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web-site of Nico Nootebos
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complete the family overview of the nootebos family.
Please explain your relation to
other relatives, so maybe I can generate a family tree.
e-mail: webinfo@nootebos.com
Augustinus Anthonius Nootebos.
Brother of the grandfather of the
Married with Hendrika Johanna Jansen
on 8 june 1933 in Purmerend Holland. Born in Limmen, Holland on 18 January 1912.
First child Jacobus Gerardus
Nootebos. First name Jaap. Born in Beemster, Holland on 1 june 1934.
Second child Cornelia Gerardina
First name Dina. Born in Beemster, Holland on 2 December 1935.
Third child Gerardus Jacobus
First name ?. Born in Beemster, Holland on 8 June 1937.
Fourth child Gerardina Cornelia
Zazzi-Nootebos. First name Corrie. Born in Beemster, Hollans on 16 July
Fifth child Gijsbertus Johannes
Nootebos. First name Bertus. Born in Beemster, Holland on 22 October
Sixth child Johannes Hendrikus Nootebos. First name Jan. Born in
Beemster, Holland on 29 November 1940.
Seventh child Margaretha Brigitta
Sprangers-Nootebos. First name Gré. Born in
Beemster, Holland on 25 November 1942.<> <>
Eigth child Franciscus Leonardus
Nootebos. First name Frans. Born in Beemster, Holland on
16 January 1947.
Ninth child Hendrikes Nootebos. First name ?. Born in Beemster, Holland
on 16 January 1947 and died in Beemster, Holland on 16 January 1947.