If you have any suggestions or good ideas for this site, feel free to sent me an e-mail.
Also you can sent me your picture to complete the family overview of the nootebos family.
Please explain your relation to the other relatives, so maybe I can generate a family tree.
e-mail: webinfo@nootebos.com
Gerardus Nootebos.
Married with Marie Oudejans
First child Klazina Gerardina
Kramer-Nootebos, First name Clasien. Born in Purmerend Holland, on 25 April 1930.
Secund child Gerardina Klazina
Nootebos, First name Diny. Born in Beemster Holland, on 24 March 1932.
Third child Riet Brugge-Nootebos.
Fourth child Margareta Brigitta
Teresia Beemsterboer-Nootebos, First name Gré. Born in Beemster Holland, on 2 October
Fifth child Joop Nootebos. Born in Purmerend Holland in 1911. Died in 1999