Welcome on the web-site of Nico Nootebos

If you have any suggestions or good ideas for this site, feel free to sent me an e-mail.

Also you can sent me your picture to complete the family overview of the nootebos family.

Please explain your relation to the other relatives, so maybe I can generate a family tree.

e-mail: webinfo@nootebos.com

Hendrikus Petrus Nootebos 

Hendrikus Petrus Nootebos. Died in Driebergen, Holland on 24 January 1996.
Brother of the grandfather of the owner.
Married with Jans Koelemeyer.

First child Gerardina Maria Nootebos. First name Diny. Born in Zeist Holland, on 19 September 1930 and died on 28 September 1983 in Zeist Holland.
Second child Elizabeth Maria Verheijen-Nootebos. First name Lies. Born in 's-Gravenhage Holland, on 18 June 1932.
Third child Maria Jacoba Tewes-Nootebos. First name Riet. Born in 's-Gravenhage Holland, on 6 April 1934.
Fourth child Bertha Johanna Nootebos. First name Bea. Born in Zeist Holland, on 12 August 1936.
Fifth child Jacobus Gerardus Maria Nootebos. First name Jaap. Born in Zeist Holland, on 17 June 1938.
Sixth child Johannes Maria Nootebos. First name Jan. Born in Zeist Holland, on 27 August 1940.
Seventh child Gerardus Maria Nootebos. First name Gerard. Born in Zeist Holland, on 4 August 1943.
Eigth child Hendrikus Franciscus Maria Nootebos. First name Hendrik. Born in Zeist Holland, on 26 August 1949.