Welcome on the web-site of Nico Nootebos

If you have any suggestions or good ideas for this site, feel free to sent me an e-mail.

Also you can sent me your picture to complete the family overview of the nootebos family.

Please explain your relation to the other relatives, so maybe I can generate a family tree.

e-mail: webinfo@nootebos.com

Simon Jacobus Nootebos. Died in Heemskerk Holland, on 9 February 2002.
Married with Maria Nootebos-Groenland on 22 April 1953. Born in Castricum, Holland on 22 April 1929.

First child Gijsbertus Adrianus Nootebos. First name Bert. Born in Castricum Holland, on 21 February 1954.
Second child Anna Maria Geertruida Huneker-Nootebos. First name Annemarie. Born in Alkmaar Holland, on 8 June 1957.
Third child Geertruida Maria Blankendaal-Nootebos. First name Germa. Born in Castricum Holland, on 19 November 1960.